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Disorder - Displeased Records PDF Print E-mail
Zaans (metal) platenlabel en cd-shop. Gespecialiseerd in alle stijlen metalmuziek en distributeur wereldwijd met cd-shop online. Met (voorheen) in de stal Zaanse bands als: NEMBRIONIC (HAMMERDEATH), CONSOLATION en UNLORD.p>

website Disorder Records

Displeased Records was founded in 1993 by Lars Eikema and Ron Veltkamp. In the beginning the main focus was to release compilation CDs from unknown/unsigned artists playing all types of heavy metal, like death metal, thrash metal, etc. After a distribution network was set up Displeased Records started releasing studio albums of metal acts like Nembrionic, Altar, Hybernoid and Celestial season. In the same period a mail order was erected, in the beginning under the same moniker of the label name, later changed to Dis-order (a combination of DISpleased and mailORDER). Since 2011 changed the name to Discorder.

From the second half of the 90s, Displeased Records licensed cult thrash metal albums from Roadrunner records, from bands like Infernal Majesty, Pestilence, Whiplash, Toxik and Sadus.

A distribution service was present from the beginning, albeit very small. Later on more and more music shops were provided with the metal albums and shirts that were already sold through the mail order.



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